Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Apologies, Michigan

For those of you who have not been privileged to visit the wonderful metro area that is Detroit, Michigan, let me describe it to you. It's over-crowded, noisy, hot and oppressively humid in summer, and cold and blustery in the winter. The spring wreaks havoc on one's allergies. It's only redeeming quality in the weather department is the gorgeous autumn. While it is not my favorite place to abide year-round, it is home to some of the best friends I have ever known.

Until today, I did not realize what an injustice I have done to the great state of Michigan, all because of one person.

The entire 3 1/2 years that I lived in Michigan, I couldn't wait to get out. That is what we agreed upon before I packed my things and relocated. He loved WV and wanted to live in the country. That was the plan. We OCD'ers love plans - until they don't come together.

Because my ex, who will now be referred to as Mr. ADD, did not love plans, I was doomed to remain in the abyss of the suburbs. I really thought that if only I could make him stick to the plan, all our problems would magically disappear. That's why we weren't happy. We didn't stick to the plan. Yes, of course, that was it. If only we lived somewhere besides that hated M state, we could be happy.

Scoff, if you must, but a desperate woman will blame even geography for her misery.

In the last few weeks, through conversations and reminiscing, I've realized that I could have been happy in Michigan. I don't think that either of us would have ever truly been happy together, but moving to another state or another country or another planet would not have changed that.

Michigan, I don't hate you. I've blamed you for far too long. Can you ever forgive me so we can be friends again? Could we go back to the days when I looked forward to visiting you before I knew Mr. ADD? I won't let him ruin our friendship any more if you won't.