Pop quiz - What do these four things have in common? A. a few of my favorite things B. huge influences on my life C. random things that popped into my head while driving D. both A & B
If you chose D, you passed with flying colors!
Actually, I did think of these things while driving, but it was not random. Joyce Meyer was discussing whether or not parents check their children's to do lists before deciding whether or not they deserve help. I can honestly say that I cannot think of one parent - even a bad one - who would do that. When your child needs help, their list of chores are the least of your worries.
It's the same thing with God - thank goodness! When I come to Him with a problem, we don't have to have a discussion about what I've done right this week and what my areas that need improvement are. He just helps.
Thinking of this reminded me of something that I read once. It said that the relationship we have with our parents, especially our fathers, greatly shapes our view of God. If we grew up with strict, judgemental parents, we measure our value to God in terms of what we do. On the other hand, those people who were reared in a loving and supportive environment tend to have the same outlook of their Heavenly Father.
My dad is a perfect example of this.
Recently, the brakes on my truck started making a horrible grinding noise. There was no warning that they might be going bad. One day they just sounded like the wheels were coming off any minute. I did what I always do when something goes wrong - I called Dad. I was going to wait until the weekend to get them fixed, but that wasn't good enough.
The next thing I knew he was sending me a text saying that he's made an appointment with our mechanic to get it fixed the next day. Before I could even worry about anything, he told me that I could borrow his truck to get to work and if I needed help paying for the repair not to worry about it. Before I even asked, he had it taken care of.
God has it all worked out, too. That's something I'm still learning. I somehow feel that sitting around worrying about how it's going to come together when I can't see how all the pieces will fit is going to help. It doesn't. He already has the answer. It doesn't matter if all my chores are done. I don't have to be perfect - or even close. I'm His child, He loves me, and that's all that matters.
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