Wednesday, October 14, 2009

But, God, that grass is greener....

As I was driving to the post office today, taking the long way around to enjoy the scenery, I was thinking deep thoughts. I've always done my best thinking in the car. Today, however, as I pondered the plight of the world and other complex issues, I saw something that made me turn the truck around and take a second look. As I passed a field full of sheep, I saw that one of them had squeezed his head through the fence and was happily munching on the grass on the other side. How he had managed to get his rather large head through the comparatively small hole in the fence, I will never know. But there he was, ignoring the entire field full of perfectly good grass where he was, in order to reach the very same grass on the other side.

It made me wonder how many times I've done that. How many times has God put a fence up in my life and said, "Sarah, this is for your safety. I will take care of you and provide for you and you'll never want for anything, but you need to stay away from that side of the fence."? And how many times have I wriggled my stubborn head through said fence and looked at Him innocently and said, "What? I'm still on this side of the fence."?

God, please help me not to be like that foolish sheep. Help me to be content with the bounty you have provided for me and not to question the boundaries you've set. May I realize that what is ok for someone else might not be what you want for me - and that's ok. It doesn't mean that you love them more. Give me the eyes to see the beautiful field full of lush grass you've already given me and stop obsessing about that stupid fence.

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