Sunday, February 28, 2010

If Snowflakes Had Feelings....

As I stood outside last night watching the snow softly fall, a strange thought occurred to me. If snowflakes had feelings, what would they feel? My first inclination was that the snowflake I was watching probably felt very insignificant. How could one feel otherwise as one of billions? After all, it's just a snowflake. But as I watched them pile higher and higher, I was struck by the awesomeness of this realization: among all those billions of snowflakes, each one is special and unique, completely different from every other flake.

How many times have we looked around and felt inconsequential, completely ignoring the fact that our Father sees how extraordinary and exceptional we are?

Tonight, I leave you with this thought - take time to appreciate the individuality of those around you....and yourself.


  1. By the way, I really liked the snowflakes and bend in the road, you've got it in you to do some remarkable work, keep it going...Eve
